
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Free Patterns Anyone?!

So I planned on having that bag pattern ready for today, but it turns out that writing a pattern is harder than I thought! This is only my first time, so take it easy on me. (; I can assure you that as soon as my camera battery is charged I will have that pattern up for you in no time! Because lets face it, a pattern without pictures can get pretty boring!

So in order to spice things up a bit I'll leave you all with some links to some patterns I've been working on! I started 3 different projects in the past 3 days. (Now I think you get why I haven't finished that pattern!) So I have been busy!!

This easy wave pattern blanket is simple to understand and fun to do! Choose any colors you like, chain as wide as you want your blanket to be, and crochet away! (Check out this tutorial on changing color in a project)

This pattern is for that clutch I posted a picture of last time.
 I keep messing up on the ends somehow, so I've gotten frustrated and set it down for a bit. But I'm sure I'll be back at it tomorrow.

I stumbled upon this pattern on ravelry (if you haven't checked it out yet and you crochet/knit, you MUST!) while searching for a good trivet pattern. I'm using brown for the insides and pink for the middle. I'll either use white or brown for the trim, but I haven't gotten that far yet. (:

I tend to choose the color before the pattern. Mostly because I'm still new to this, and because I can't choose good color combos until they're right in front of my face! (Anyone else get a brain fart at the yarn store and can't remember what you wanted to get?)

So what about you? What comes first, the pattern or the yarn? Let me know in the comments below! (:
Also don't forget to check out my new Facebook Page! I've added some great new listings to my Etsy shop as well! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Facebook link doesn't lead directly to your page and there are several pages with a similar name: you might want to check this if you want 'like's
